Become a Dinner Party Pro!

Entertaining is one of my absolute favorite things to do. I love hosting gatherings at our home for friends, family, neighbors, and clients—basically anyone who enjoys a good buzz and delicious food! Over the years, I've become pretty skilled at it. But I know hosting can feel stressful, and of course, you want your guests to leave raving about your party, not remembering it for all the wrong reasons. The good news? With a few simple steps, you can host a dinner party with ease!

Here are some of my favorite tips and tricks for throwing an unforgettable dinner!

cocktails and lite bites

Cocktails are a perfect way to welcome guests as they arrive, but in my experience, after the first round or two, everyone starts asking for refills—which can become a bit overwhelming when you're also trying to get dinner on the table. My solution? Prepare a large batch of cocktails in advance, ensuring each guest can enjoy one or two drinks upon arrival then switch over to wine or champagne. If some guests aren't wine drinkers, offer a selection of mixers so they can create their own cocktails with ease.

When it comes to cocktail bites, I like to keep it simple. A beautifully arranged fruit or vegetable board is always a hit, allowing guests to help themselves. Occasionally, I'll add mini blinis with assorted toppings or keep it casual with chips and dip. There's no need to overdo it—no one needs to fill up on snacks before the main event! So, keep it stress-free and light.

make dinner memorable

Dinner can be as extravagant or as simple as you like, but the key is to make it something your guests will love to eat! Prepare as much as possible in advance, and most importantly, keep it manageable. Before you even begin cooking, be sure you're aware of your guests' dietary preferences or restrictions—whether it’s vegan, gluten-free, or something else. There’s no sense in serving a bunch of food no one will eat!

Start with a simple menu: If you're serving an appetizer, keep it light and uncomplicated. A fresh salad or individual savory tarts are always great choices. My tip: have these prepped and ready to go so you can focus on the main course. For the entrée, I love dishes like lasagna or baked fish paired with polenta—items like these can be prepped 90% ahead of time. Once your guests are done enjoying their appetizer, you’ll only need to transfer the entrée to a serving dish, add a garnish, and serve!

As for dessert, opt for something that's easy to plate, like a cake that can be sliced ahead of time or pre-portioned sundaes, just waiting for their final toppings. If you’re not a baker go get something delicious from your local bakery!

think through the table

In our small apartment we don’t have enough space for a dining room, but I always make an effort to set our coffee table beautifully! I purchase a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and set a simple setting with plates and glasses. I love to bring the colors of the flowers into the design, so I’ll use salt and pepper cellars in the same color or use books with similar colors to accent the table. Again, don’t be fussy here. Just beautifully presenting the table will immediately impress your guests.

dos and don’ts

Greet your guests with enthusiasm: It may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many parties I’ve attended where the host barely acknowledged my arrival. Make your guests feel welcome from the moment they walk through the door—it sets the tone for the whole evening.

Avoid a stuffy dinner party: Let your guests feel comfortable in your home. If someone spills something, just clean it up. If you’re anxious about using your best china, skip it! No one wants to feel on edge the entire night—your guests should feel relaxed, not worried.

Turn up the music: There's nothing worse than eating in awkward silence. No one wants to hear the sound of chewing! Background music is a must!

Save the dishes for later: Doing dishes during the party pulls you away from your guests and makes them feel like a burden. If they offer to help, let them bring dishes to the kitchen, but handle the cleanup after everyone has left.

Keep it relaxed: If you’re stressed, your guests will notice. Enjoy yourself and remember—it’s just dinner! And if things go sideways, you can always order a pizza!


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